Tag Archives: chogyam Trungpa

Everything Takes Forever

Things can take so much longer than we’d think at the get-go…

We began taking pre-orders on the (seemingly imminent) METAMORPHIC TAROT OF THE SPIRITS over a year ago. It is only this past WEEK that the finished deck and book are (at last!) being sent out.

Similarly, we wrote the book ORBIT some time before offering The Metamorphic Tarot. It is has only just recently seen print and is available for Order now.


By the time such Labors manifest, we find we are already deep into the Next Phase of The Work.

What Work?


The same deal those Alchemists of Old were after.

The leaves of the calendar fall and we keep grinding at the Eternal Wheel.

Until we become The Wheel…the Wheel we ever Were and Are (see Crowley’s “Pilgrim Talk” from The Book of Lies).

Conversation at Space Hoodoo HQ this evening veers into the Game of Life…

New Thought Pioneer Neville Goddard reverse engineers our existential crisis. We are God…God incarnate to experience and redeem this Human Life. Not playing, not pretending or wearing a mask. God actually and really becoming the Human Being, really and truly dying in the Flesh. Playing, as Goddard says, every single role in The Play.

And God is no less God for it.


“Reader Meet Author”-from The Spacebuddhaa Angelic Contact Tarot

Knowing that the End Game is waking to this fact, emerging from The Play, we can assess just where we’re at in the Script.

There is a natural and needed Next Step to be made-and we, as individuals, are the ones to perform the task. Our strength, vision and resolve may draw from the Knowing (or Gnosis) of our True Being.

Michael Bertiaux states our situation in the most plain and hopeful fashion in his “Vudu Cartography” when he says that in our Vudu we are right where we need to be-or not too far from it. Our concern is simply the task at hand. The challenge is to see it clearly.

In various Occult Schools we are introduced to tables of Initiation. Take Crowley’s A.A., for example. It’s not unique in this regard but serves our purpose.

At the bottom, there’s the Neophyte and at the top, there’s the big bad Magi-and, above that, the Ipsissimus, Beyond Will or Condition, with a variety of Grades-and Magical Tasks-between.

At the beginning of the Quest, our eyes are blinded with Stars. We have big ideas of attaining to some “Higher Grade.” We work hard to get there, thinking “Neophyte” is a clumsy start to the “Mastery” we may achieve.

Chogyam Trungpa, between bottles, was able to give a lovely little Key in this matter. He simply observed that what could be Attained or Gained could be Lost or taken away. But our Real Nature remains what it is (“Deem not of change”). It’s not contingent upon our efforts and remains Adamantine all the Way.


“Ride a Camel through the Eye of a Needle…or, at least, smoke one.”

Hence, Kenneth Grant wrote of “Non-Mobile Becoming” in his Wisdom of S’lba.

If we can but GLIMPSE this, we hold the Philosopher’s Stone.

How to USE it?

Apply it in its own Light to the situation at hand.

We go to the Next Step as God writes, acts in and directs “The Play,” “We” being no less than Blake’s “Jesus…The Human Imagination.” This is the Word of God, the Power of God and the Glory of God…which are all ONE with God.

But if God is no less God in this scenario, we are no less HUMAN as participants.

Yeats saw the crisis quite clearly when he wrote:

“The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.”

It’s true-and it’s so STUPID.

Do you really think the idiots who run (and ruin) the planet with their arrogance and greed are better than yourself? Or any OTHER than yourself?

Do we actually check out at the supermarket, look to the rag-rack and think US Magazine is anything other than Mind Control, Inc fighting to keep our own Divinity held at bay?


Reminding you that Sock Swine are Important People, one checkout at a time.

I can recall waste of life cocktail parties where someone asked the micro-tribe: “Have you ever met someone FAMOUS?”

Recollections sputter over mixed drinks and the speakers all fade into the background.

It’s akin to asking if you’ve ever met ANYONE!

The Key is waking up in the Game, lucid dreaming in the Flesh, remembering that there is an Operator behind the Virtual Reality. This Operator is none other than Ourself in Eternity.

The smallest dose of this Knowledge can empower a radical readjustment of one’s terrestrial lifespan.

Our next project will not be offered via any sort of pre-order. This is the SPACE BUDDHAA ANGELIC CONTACT TAROT. When we announce it, it will be ready for immediate shipment. Between Now and Then is the Pilgrimage.

ORBIT: An Introduction to the Principles and Practices of Bardo-Gaming on the Propserity Path is available from Gateways Books and Amazon.com.

The Metamorphic Tarot is available from Spacebuddhaa.com


“We who dwell on Earth can do nothing of ourselves, everything is conducted by Spirits” -William Blake from Jerusalem

THE PORTAL PENNY: Corrosion Corp Mission One


Numisgnosis is a Path and, as such, one must discover an Access Point whereby to begin. On this particular journey, we will describe a very simple means to locating and entering the Gateway.

The First Task:

Find a Penny.

This is the Price of Entry. It’s the First Task. But-as common an object as the ubiquitous penny might seem-it must be found in a certain way. Perhaps we ought say:

It must find YOU.

There is an old and oft-quoted adage in occult circles which states “When the student is ready, the master appears.” Ere the unveiling of the “master,” all a student can do is get ready, preparing themselves for the encounter. The master may have walked past them on the street a hundred times but they remain ignorant of this. Thus we find, in Masonic Ritual, for example, the emphasis on being “Duly and Truly Prepared” for what is to come. If consciousness is not aware, receptive and adaptable, what the master has to offer will follow after the proverb of “pearls before swine.”

Of course, it is part of the master’s job to help the student increase those qualities listed above. Ergo, our preparedness is not looking toward some ultimate level of attainment but rather a workable state of being whereby good seed may fall into fertile soil.

In this opening phase of Numisgnostic Initiation, we might envision the “master” as described by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche who, when questioned as to who he regarded as true and living master, replied:

“Situations are my Guru.”

We might thereby imagine the Master with a Million Faces in a Billion Places. The goal is to first begin seeing these Faces, growing into initiatory interaction and ultimately knowing ourselves as one with that we have sought after.

But we are getting ahead of ourselves here. The first thing to do is to locate the Gate into the World, which is to say THE PROCESS, where these-and other-realizations and power-ups may be discovered. The realizations are themselves Initiations and might be viewed along the lines of successive stages of Illumination as detailed in certain Buddhist Schools. Each stage of Illumination has a corresponding Siddhi (or Magical Power). Often, the Siddhi is sought after with little regard for the Illumination to which it corresponds. In my own experience, it is the Illumination which produces power as an effect. One is suddenly aware of new ability but all preconceptions as to how this might look (or be applied) are transformed by the change in consciousness. The manifestation of any Siddhi almost becomes an afterthought.

Both Illumination and the Manifestation of Siddhis WILL result from the practice of Numisgnosis.

Step One:

Find a Penny.

Upon determining to complete this Task, you should KNOW that there is a PARTICULAR PENNY in your geographic locale which is already YOURS. This is NOT to be found in your pocket change or by purchasing a roll of 50 copper coins in a neatly packaged roll from the bank. Your Penny is “Out There” and will appear, according to your attentiveness and intuition, as an object in your physical environment. It shouldn’t take long to locate. You need simply to relax and bear in mind that this coin is seeking YOU even as you are seeking IT. It may appear in a parking lot, a restroom, an aisle at the grocery store. But it WILL appear. And when it does, it marks the MOMENT in which you take the first substantial step into the Numisgnostic World.

This particular coin is what we will call the PORTAL PENNY. As soon as you see it, you will have established contact with another realm. By picking it up and coming into physical contact with it, you step on through the Gate.

As indicated previously, we aren’t looking for a Numismatic “find” but a Numisgnostic Connection. Your Penny may not be worth a farthing to any other Soul on the planet but to YOU it will be invaluable. This small bit of metal contains an infinitude of information as well as the energy signatures attendant thereunto. The moment when you meet each other is a powerful and dynamic Alchemical phase, the Opening of The Operation. The coin’s content is condensed in that moment. All the energy signatures become vivified along the lines of a horoscope, delineating detailed experience into categorical abstractions which represent powerhouses available for new direction. You see, the coin lacks volition and needs you to provide it. YOU have this volition on a deep (and-for most people-subconscious) level. The coin’s karmic code prods and stimulates this volition by resonating with the energy signatures within your Being.

In essence, the finding of your Portal Penny is a Magical Meeting wherein a Partnership is formed.

Now, many people will spot a wayward coin each day and their lives will go on, “business as usual.” What makes YOUR find different is the inward opening to the Event. Before walking off into the World, you, at the very least, entertain the notion of the Portal Penny to such a degree that its discovery will serve as a field for the implementation of the above-described process.

Otherwise, you’ll just be another flash in the pan spotting a flash in the parking lot.

Although I’ve worked with Numisgnosis for some time, I decided to re-implement this Initial Task for myself in conjunction with writing this text. It just so happened that I was in the company of an individual whose name happens to be Penny. While accompanying her to an Optometry appointment, I spotted my coin on the office floor. How perfect and wonderful. In a clinic for the correction and improvement of sight, I found a magical mirror. I couldn’t have orchestrated this if I tried. But it just came through.

We should never “force a find” nor impose expectation on the experience. If we yearn for “bells and whistles,” we may miss a whispering from that Still Small Voice Within.

Once discovered, the coin is to be regarded as a sacred object and handled accordingly. It will ultimately be placed into a coin flip but if one is without this, it should be wrapped in a clean piece of cloth and kept safe until one’s Numisgnostic Altar is constructed. If intuition dictates, this Penny may be carried on one’s person in a safe and secure fashion.

Such acquisition automatically enters and enrolls one in the Corrosion Corp. Further directives will follow…